How to design future library services with the UX state of mind? Does the design thinking approach add value to the development of library services? How can we foster co-design activities across organisational borders?
The Frilux workshop “FUTURE LIBRARY SERVICES & the UX State of Mind” provides a forum for sharing experiences of the UX approach in academic libraries. During the workshop, participants will learn about the contents and methods of the Frilux platform, developed at the University of Oslo. Case examples from Norway, Finland and other parts of Scandinavia will highlight the possibilities of using the design thinking approach for the development of future library services. Hands-on exercises will give participants a feel for the applicable methods and an opportunity to develop new ideas with their peers.
Enrol before Monday 23.4.2018 to ensure your place in this workshop. There will be room for 30 participants only! The final agenda and instructions will be sent to enrolled attendees by 25.4.2018.
Enrolment form:
Preliminary Agenda (subject to changes)
Chair of the day: Heli Kautonen (The National Library of Finland)
9.00 Welcome words
9.30 Birgit Hvoslef Dahl (University of Oslo Library) and Andrea Gasparini (Department of Informatics, University of Oslo): The Frilux concept, tools and experiences from the field.
Frilux exercises.
12.00 Lunch (at own expense)
13.00 Pauli Assinen (Helsinki University Library): Experiences from the Mildred project.
Frilux exercises.
15.30 Event ends.
About Frilux
New practices and innovation have transformed the culture at the University of Oslo Library. One of the changes is that nowadays we put user needs in the centre when we develop new services. For this, we use user experience (UX) methods.
During the workshop, we share our experiences on using the UX methods that we have developed over a period of six years. We have put together these methods and our approach under the concept Frilux ( Frilux is a platform for sharing UX experience. We will explain, how we developed the platform and why we wish to share it with other libraries. We will also describe how Frilux can be used by libraries who want to:
- Apply UX and Design Thinking for library development
- Use UX methods when working together in the organisation across subjects and systems.
- Share their experiences with others.
The workshop will include (some) of the following Frilux components:
- Frilux Flo Learn – Launch of Frilux Flex, a set of UX library tools.
- Frilux Flo Share – We facilitate the informal sharing of experience with the development of library services or challenges/problems you are working on.
- Frilux Fram: Frilux Fram is an exploratory, future-focused, and strategic extension of the Frilux approach. Using methods and approaches from design fiction, future studies, and strategic design, it will try and develop future concepts for digital services in the year 2025. Based on these prototypes, it will attempt to define a strategic vision for digital services in Academic libraries
- Frilux Flo Connect – We have started a Scandinavian interest group, and we want to develop this further. Here you get the opportunity to join and expand the network!