1. FUN Finnish University Libraries’ Network
FUN (Finnish University Libraries’ Network) is a collaboration forum formed by the directors of Finnish Universities’ library services. FUN supports university libraries in implementing new working methods, displaying efficiency, and promoting publicity. FUN predicts changes in the working environment from the perspective of strategic leading and advances the development of science and research through dialogue with the scientific community.
2. FUN’s Composition
FUN is formed by the directors of universities’ library services. Each university is represented by one director. The meetings may be attended by a person who has been authorised to act as a deputy by the director. Changes regarding the network’s composition are decided in FUN’s meetings.
The National Library of Finland and The National Repository Library are occasionally invited to the meetings as experts. FUN may also invite other experts to attend the meetings.
3. FUN’s Working Methods
FUN elects a chairman and a working committee from among its members for two-year terms.
The term of the chairman is one two-year term. Both the chairmanship and membership of the working committee rotate between FUN’s members. All members receive an equal chance. The working committee prepares a proposal for the new chairman and working committee members. The Network will decide on the selection.
FUN meets at least twice a year. The invitations and agendas for the meetings are sent out at least one week before the meeting.
Decisions are made by majority vote. If necessary, decisions are put to the vote. In the event of a tie, the chairman shall have the casting vote. The quorum for a meeting of the network is the presence of the chairman and at least half of the members.
4. FUN’s Mission
FUN’s objectives are defined in its strategy, which itself is regularly updated. FUN prepares initiatives and presentations, commissions studies, and implements joint projects for the fulfilment of the objectives stated in the strategy.
4.1. The Duties of the Chairman
The chairman is responsible for the implementation of the network’s strategy in cooperation with the working committee. The chairman represents FUN in accordance with its strategy, acts as the chairman in the network’s meetings, prepares the network’s budget, and sees to all the other matters that are essential for the directing of the network’s activities.
If necessary, the vice chairman acts as deputy to the chairman.
4.2. The Duties of the Working Committee
The working committee prepares FUN’s meetings, represents the network during negotiations/conversations with different stakeholders, names the network’s representatives, gives statements for the network, and provides information about the network’s activities. The working committee may establish working groups for the implementation of the strategy.
The working committee consists of the chairman and four other members. One member may participate in the working committee for two terms in a row. The working committee elects the vice chairman from among the committee members. Experts may be invited to the meetings of the working committee.
The working committee may make decisions with the authority of the chairman and at least two members. If a member of the committee is prevented from participating for more than six months, the committee will be supplemented through the decision of the network. The invitations and agendas for the meeting are sent out at least three working days before the meeting.
The committee, without the chairman present, proposes the current year’s annual reward for the chairman.
4.3. The Secretary of Cooperation
The secretary of cooperation coordinates and prepares matters for the meetings of the network and the working committee, in addition to working as the secretary for the meetings. The secretary implements the decisions of the committee and the network and provides information on FUN’s activities.
The secretary of cooperation is selected by the chairman.
5. Working Groups
FUN may establish working groups or project teams to implement the network’s strategy and/or carry out a specific mandate from the network. Steering groups for the working groups or project teams may also be established. The working committee itself may act as a steering group where appropriate.
6. Costs
The costs of participation in the network and the working committee are borne by each participating university. FUN’s membership fee, budget and action plan are approved in the network’s first meeting in the current year. The budget is used to pay, among other things, the secretary of cooperation’s salary and the chairman’s annual reward.
7. Coming into Force
These rules will enter into force on 18.2.2021.